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Dear our valueable costumers, we are happy to announce the booking form is ready, you can now fill the booking form here, how ever you still can use the manual booking by sending us the form bellow

Booking Format:

Please send your details to our email to confirm your booking, below is the format you can use to do booking:

Name                           :

Country                        :

No. of participant         :

Date of Booking           :

Days of Booking           :

Where to Pick Up        :

Hotel Name                  :

Hotel Address              :

Hotel Phone #              :

Room #                        :

Payment Method

Currently we still using the manual method of payment, you can pay cash once the trip is done. We are still working on online payment such as paypal or alartpay.

Have a GREAT holiday in Bali

Best Regards



Wayan Jhon Mudika


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